Auto pàirtean a bharrachd chàraichean 4461492 dìosail einnsean connadh Criathrag

Goirid Tuairisgeul:

1. A seòrsa ùr de àrainneachd Criathrag pàipear a ghabhail os làimh gus piseach a thoirt air èifeachdas an t Criathrag eileamaid. 

2. Tha èifeachdas sìolachaidh a tha suas ri 99,5% (98% de na h-ola amar-seòrsa adhair Criathrag), agus drùidhteach ìre de duslach eil ach 0.1% gu 0.3% 

3. Compact structar, faodar a chur a-steach ann an sam bith, agus chan eil e air a chuingealachadh le cruth nan carbad pàirtean.

4. Faodaidh e cuideachd a shàbhaladh tòrr stuth mar cotan snàth, a 'faireachdainn agus stuthan meatailt.

5. Ìosal càileachd agus cosgais ìseal. Mar sin, faodaidh an dràibhear a bhith cinnteach a chleachdadh.

6. glanaibh air, fuaim a lùghdachadh agus connadh a shàbhaladh.

  • Price :: Togbhail 2.5-3 / pìosan
  • MOQ :: 500 pìosan
  • Solar Comas :: 10000 Piece / Pieces gach Mìos
  • Pàigheadh :: L / CD / AT / T Siar Aonadh MoneyGram
  • Port :: Tianjin Shanghai Guangzhou Ningbo Qingdao
  • bathar Detail

    Solar Comas
    10000 Piece/Pieces per Month
    Packaging Details & Delivery

    4461492 fuel filter,one piece in poly bag to be put in one box, 1 boxes to be packed in one carton, Or as per customer’s packing instruction.

    Tianjin Shanghai Guangzhou Qingdao Ningbo
    Lead Time 


    1 – 100


    Est. Time(days)


    To be negotiated

    Our filters prevent the entry of harmful contaminants to keep the oil clean, free of residue, and free of accumulation. The high-performance stream is compatible with conventional oils and synthetic oils. In order to protect this filter combination to the greatest extent, it will help your engine’s long and powerful vitality.工程机械_01 工程机械_03 工程机械_04

    When the engine is working, the metal wear debris generated by the friction surface of the parts, the dust in the atmosphere, and the carbon particles generated by the incomplete fuel combustion will penetrate into the engine oil. The engine oil itself will also produce colloidal deposits due to heat and oxidation. These impurities will be mixed in In the oil.

    If such dirty engine oil is directly sent to the surface of the moving parts, the mechanical impurities in the engine oil will become abrasives, which will accelerate the wear of the parts, and cause blockage of the oil passages and cementation of parts such as piston rings and valves.

    Therefore, an oil filter must be provided in the lubrication system so that the circulating oil can be purified before being sent to the surface of the moving parts. Ensure good lubrication of the friction surface and prolong its service life.

    Ciamar a Aithnich agus False True Ola Filter Elements

    Airson luchd-cleachdaidh àbhaisteach, chan urrainn dhuinn fhaicinn dè an ìre de dh'obair a tha a-staigh an inneal Criathrag, chan urrainn dhuinn ach a 'cleachdadh an cuid sgilean a' bhritheamh. Seo cuid de na dòighean practaigeach airson a 'breithneachadh a' chriathrag càileachd nan inneal.

    A 'chiad cleas: breithneachaidh bho coltas fiosrachaidh: coltas math Criathrag a' dol a 'coimhead math

    -Mhàin àrd chàileachd inneal criathragan tha deònach tasgadh as fheàrr cosgais ann an coltas fiosrachaidh. Tha meallta bathar no ath-sgeadachadh bathair nach eil an comas aig a h-uile, no a dhèanamh iad dragh a dhèanamh gu math. Gu dearbh, an dòigh "Criathrag le coltas" 'S e glè fheumail, a chionn deagh Criathrag feumaidh deagh choltas.

    Dàrna cleas: dh'fhaicinn an Criathrag fàinne rubair cruaidh agus bog, bog '

    Math inneal Criathrag, a rubair fàinne stuth a bhios glè thiugh, agus nuair a dhinneadh le làimh a bhios cuideachd a tha bog faireachdainn, gus dèanamh cinnteach gu sealing air feadh an ola caolas agus bùth.

    Treas cleas: faic ma tha seic bhalbhaichean structar taobh a-staigh

    Le cuideachadh beag Innealan timcheall a 'comharrachadh a bheil an inneal Criathrag Tha seic bhalbhaichean structar.

    Dìreach air a chur, seic bhalbhaichean 'S e inneal a leigeas an lubrication siostam a stòradh mar a tha tòrr ola' sa ghabhas an dèidh an càr air stalled.

    Fourth trick: Put your finger into the filter and touch the inner wall of the machine to determine if it is fixed properly.

    Math inneal Criathrag, a 'chriathrag eileamaid thèid gu diongalta ann an inneal-Criathrag, fo Brùthadh ola agus carbad cnapan cha tèid a ghluasad, gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an ola bho na Criathrag pàipear tro crìoch criathar. Mar sin, bhon suidhichte faisg air a 'chriathrag eileamaid

    Còigeamh cleas: crathaibh cruaidh gus Criathrag, ag èisteachd ri co-dhiù tha gearan.

    Tha deagh inneal Criathrag urrainn socraicheadh ​​an Criathrag eileamaid nas fheàrr, agus cha bhi gearan de bhacadh sam bith eadar phàirtean nuair a crathadh.

    The impurities in the fuel mainly come from: dirt and rust in the fuel tank of the gas station or the rust caused by the aging of the parts in the automobile fuel system. Dust, rust, dirt and water are the main impurities in today’s fuel. These impurities can block the injection nozzle or carburetor and cause engine failure.
    1r-0750 fuel filter can filter foreign particles and moisture in the fuel required for engine combustion to prevent accelerated wear of the cylinder, blockage of the oil circuit, and damage to the fuel injector, and ensure the normal operation of the fuel supply system.

    semi truck oil filter mfrs 1r-1808 oil filter for international trucksemi truck oil filter mfrs 1r-1808 oil filter for international truck

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